
Our Story
Clogging Champions of America was formed in 1997 to generate more activity and interest in clogging and competition, to promote a spirit of fun and fellowship, and to ensure that the less advanced clogger can enjoy competing as much as the clogger who has been in it for years.
The goal of CCA is to create an atmosphere of spirited and sportsmanlike competition, and to provide more opportunities for cloggers within the competitive and entertainment realms. CCA feels that competition is a healthy and entertaining part of clogging, offering dancers the opportunity to travel to different locations – meeting new clogging friends, step sharing, and supporting each other competitively.
We all know how frustrating it can be for the beginning competitor. Facing opponents who have been clogging competitively for years can be a humbling experience. CCA has devised a system to give the amateur dancers a chance to gain their self-esteem and prepare them to finally compete against more experienced teams. CCA offers both Starz! and Amateur Team categories for new competitors at each and every Clogging Champions of America affiliated event.
In the Challenge level of clogging, CCA truly loves to see the best of the best performing together in an atmosphere of friendly competition and entertainment. This is truly an experience to participate in… or just to watch. Refer to the Rules page to determine which level of competition best suits your teams.
To recognize clogging’s brightest, CCA devised the Showdown of Champions, which brings together the winners from the best competitions in the country to compete under one roof. At each Clogging Champions of America event, the top three scoring teams in each category and age division of Amateur and Challenge (Elementary, Junior, Senior, and Adult) will qualify to dance at the Showdown of Champions. You only need to qualify once per category, but you may dance at any or all affiliated competitions and you will receive “Star” Points for doing so.
CCA also recognizes the individual dancers and gives them an opportunity to shine. From our competitive solo and duo categories to our All-Pro and YLC programs, CCA feels that it is important to recognize the most talented competitors of today and to groom the competitors and leaders of tomorrow.
For more information about CCA please contact one of our board members. You may also email us at ccaclog@gmail.com. If you’d like to be added to our mailing list, please sign up at the bottom of our webpage.